What are we busy with?
Moving house!
Tidying up every weekend, bringing stuff over and decorating the nursery.
And of course buying things online for Baby Skyler.
He wore something new yesterday too. A sailor romper that i bought online! love it so much lo! got it from taobao and cost about $7 including shipping.
but baby doesn't seem to like taking pics with mummy! =(

okay.. the bandanna doesn't really match the romper

So we moved yesterday! It was really tiring, didnt take any pictures of the process but my mother in law prepared oranges to throw into our house as it symbolises 黄金满地. Me and Darren had fun doing that! We took alot of pictures.. but none had me and darren in it. Every single picture is baby skyler.
At the new house on our red bean bag.

Smiley SKYLER! really had a hard time making him laugh. We got these few precious pics cos we started to jump around like a rabbit. Really a good workout

My favourite photo! I thought he looks like some korean baby hahaha =p

Had our meal there and stayed overnight.
It was our first night there with the baby. It was pretty horrible cos he was very cranky as he couldnt get used to it. It really pains me seeing him so scared and screaming his lungs out.
Held him close to my chest and reassured him. It was really traumatizing, for him and for me. He never cried so so hard before.After 30 mins of howling, he finally settled and slept till 5am the next morning. He slept well through the night but it was me and Darren who couldnt sleep!
Now it's our turn...
We couldn't get use to the new bed and pillows!!
So 2 big or bak kak and 1 swollen-eye baby decided to move back to granny's house on Sunday.

Baby skyler forgot about the horrible night he had
Anyway we will only be staying there during Saturday nights for the time being.