Wt: 47kg
We were so happy to see you! and relieved!!!
You gave a tiny kick too to show your presence. It was an amazing kick with little legs, but it's enough to tell us that you are a strong baby!
From a little black dot, you grow into a sac within a bigger black dot and after 3 weeks (at 9 weeks now) you are fully formed at 25mm.
From uncomfy at 6-7 weeks (due to nausea), to anxiety (due to no nausea and no other symptoms), to relief! (on seeing you again)
At 5 weeks

At 6 weeks

At 9 weeks

and Dr Chan commented that you will be very tall with long legs just like Mommy, making mommy so proud of you. She is also surprised that i wasnt suffering from any nausea unless provoked and mentioned that only about 5% of the women dont suffer from any symptoms and from all the patients on Saturday, i was the only patient that said that I felt alright.
YAY! mummy is one lucky lady to have YOU!!!
Going to enjoy my pregnancy now!
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