Sunday, January 4, 2009

16th week visit

Finally mummy gained weight!

This time my weight was 48.7. An increase of 1.5 kg which Dr chan mentioned it's healthy and I'm supposed to gain 2 kg per month till I deliver.

Saw you today but you didnt open up your legs wor.. hee maybe your legs too long, Dr Chan couldnt be certain whether you are a boy or girl cos you did not wake up during the scan. Hopefully we will be able to be sure at the 20th week scan.

You are now 9.7mm from Crown to Rump.
Can see your facial features slightly too. Cant wait till June to hold you in my arms!!

We really want to be 200% sure before we start buying anything or even decorate the nursery room.


Ate durians yesterday too. Yummiz! but cannot eat too often as it can get quite heaty.


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