Was pretty upset these days as bb got quite colicky and grandma kept insisting that it's my breast milk that is causing him discomfort. But everybody froze their BM wan wat.. the older generation don't freeze BM and say that maybe it's becos it's frozen then he has wind in his tum tum. I followed instructions to thaw it in the refrigerator overnight and before giving it to him, we warm it up in a bottle warmer.. But maybe it's becos something i ate, that went into the BM? not sure oso.. haizz
Then he got this rash on his face too.. wonder whether it's heat rash or milk rash??
Mum said it's caused by my Breast Milk too!! Gawd! everything blame my BM~ so drink formula is best?
Anyway, it was pretty upsetting as I have been regularly pumping out even waking up in the wee hours to pump just to hear people saying my BM is giving my son TUMMY ACHE & RASHES.. making me sometimes wonder.. maybe really there's something wrong with my BM.. haiz
So today put him on formula milk most of the day and guess what, he didn't poo at all! Usually he will poo about 4 times a day. But he poo-ed after I gave him some EBM! yay!! and after that he slept well and not fussing around ler.
I changed most of his teats from Avent to either NUK, Medela or Pigeon. I realized NUK and Pigeon are pretty slow flow which is good for him as he will suck more and not just swallow the milk with Avent teats.
He can latch on now as well! and not so impatient as he used to be.. so that's something to be happy about.
He's always opening his mouth, finding things to suckle.. today we gave him the pacifier cos he was really fussy and refused to sleep and i couldnt offer him my nipple all the time right.. haha

Favourite hairstyle

haggard looking mummy with cutie pie

Smiling at Daddy!!

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