We didnt invite our friends over but a small celebration among our immediate family members only. Once with Mil side and another with my own family.
We shaved off his hair, not completely though just shaved a little shorter as his hair was getting too long.
On our way to Po Po's house

He look so comfy in his 龙椅

and dat's me and my new haircut!
The 2 little ones, Kelly and Kacey made a welcome message for you out of clay! isnt' that cute? Popo made the butter cake herself too. It has your name on it too, SKY! Such a pity you cant taste them now. You will grow to love her cooking! From pig trotters to cheeze cakes and bak zhang, popo really can cook so well. ^^

Darren's Aunt who was a hairstylist previosly shaved Skyler's hair

PoPo and Family with Baby! They adore you so much!!

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