Skyler's umbilical cord dropped off!
Okay nutting very fantastic but it makes cleaning easier..

Mummy has been quite sleep deprived as Mummy is quite a light sleeper so when you shift or just moan , Mummy will wake up and take a look at you.

You are 1 week old!

Don't have much milk yet but Mummy will try my best to give you whatever I have okay? Mummy bought Fenugreek, nursing tea, Grandma made papaya fish soup so even if the milk supply is little, it's better than nothing yah! hee hee
Have been a naughty Mummy this week, been out of the house 2 times. 1st time was to the hospital review and some shopping of nursing bras and 2nd time was to get a nice stroller for you. Alot of things were not done before you popped cause Mummy was lying on the bed most of the time. Hope it wont affect my body somehow. Will try to rest more de.
Your new stroller!

When you are more settled down in another 2 weeks, mummy will arrange for your photography with Kelly k?
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