His jaundice level didnt come down and has to be under phototherapy. So poor thing, keep crying when his feet is spricked. Really heart pain. Hopefully he will be able to discharge tomorrow!
Okay time to share my birth story
21/5 - 10pm Originally was supposed to induce on 22nd morning but everybody in the family insisted i checked myself in one night earlier to monitor bb's heartbeat after hearing what Dr Chan has said. Contractions 8 mins apart
VE done by nurse is uber painful, dig dig dig, like dig tunnel like dat. Dilation is at 3cm
12am Requested for Epi recommended by nurse. She say if you dont take now, later 2am you pain, no anesthetist want to come, i dont know ar.. so I took =__=. I was holding on to the nurse hand so tightly as I heard that it was really really painful as the needle is long and and it's injected into the spine.
But surprisingly, i only felt abit "suan" for 2 seconds, I even thought the nurse was bluffing me that it's done. BUT it's really done! Guess i'm those lucky few. Didn't suffer from the side effects from Epi either (vomit or shiver), really really lucky.
22/5 - 8am Gynae came to induce to hasten delivery. Cannot feel anything due to Epi.
11am 5 cm dilated. FELT PAIN =____=
even though i was on EPI on highest dosage. But I think if I didnt take EPI, the pain may be 100 times more. Gynae say the head is pushing down and my pelvic is narrow so maybe that's the reason why i can feel the pressure.
12pm 9.5cm dilated. Practice pushing. The head seems to be on the way out but the pain stops when they open and prop up my legs to prepare for delivery. Feels like da bian feeling.
12.20pm Gynae came with all the scissors and active pushing starts.. Not much progress, 10 mins later, gynae asked 2 midwives to push my tummy to aid the bb's way out. They really dont give face, and push hard, think all my intestines are all jumbled up.
12.53pm Finally after much pushing, with the help of midwives and the episiotomy cut, Skyler came out!

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